Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Big Time Rush' Secret Obsessions

Logan : finding new adventures ( " i'm always ready for the next big thrill . that 's totally my thing . i live for adventures , that's fun for me . i really want to go skydiving next . " )

Kendall : his favourite shoes ( " i always have a pair of Vans on . i won like 30 pairs . they're the only shoes i wear . my goal in life is to one day own the entire company . " )

James : ( " i always have chapstick with me . my lips are dry from being at the beach all the time , so i always carry some Burt's Bees around . i have to have it . " )

Carlos : ( " i'm the cleanest of the group i'm the clean freak . i shower two times a day , morning and nighttime . and i'm very organised . " )

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