Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sterling Knight Tells Me About His Vaction Gone Wrong

Sterling Knight was so excited when he found out he was going on a trip to Mexico one summer . he couldn't wait to relax on the beautiful beaches , eat good food and see the sights . but Sterling had no idea his relaxing cruise vacation would go so horribly wrong . " i had a broken wrist at the time , " he remembers . " i was in Mexico at the beach , and i couldn't get in the water because i was wearing a cast , which put a damper on the whole thing . " so while everyone else was having a blast , Sterling had to sit on the shore . but the worst was yet to come . in the middle of the trip , Sterling got a ton of painful sores called canker sores in his mouth and couldn't talk or eat for the rest of the trip . " it was horrifying , " he says . " there was a solid day wher ei walked around with a tablet writing to people because it hurt so bad to open my mouth . " poor Sterling . hopefully his next trip will be more relaxing .

1 comment:

  1. ooooh poor sterling! i ll make u make u feel better!! U R A HOTTIE MCTOTTIE!!! I DIG UR HAIR AND UR WRINKLES!!!!! THEY MAKE ME WANNA DANCE, AND U KNO I DO! i luv the song starstruck it rlly shows off your true colors!! srry about tht misspelling up there, im working on a song and thta waz part of it! pretty please write back to your only fan claire!!
