Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jennette Reveals Her Biggest Boy OMG

Jennette McCurdy seems so cool and collected all the time , but even she's been totally embarrassed in front of a crush . Jennette spilled only to me about the time her biggest crush found out that she liked him right in front of her . " i had a crush on this guy , but i didn't say anything because i'm pretty shy , " Jennette reveals . she did tell her mom about her new crush though , and that's how he ended up finding out ., " one night , my mom told my crush that i liked him , " Jennette spills . " my momsaid to him , ' Jennette really thinks a lot about you ' . " she admits she was shocked and a little embarrassed at first , but she totally laughed it off and kept her cool . things turned out when Jennette found out her crush liked her back . Jennette admits , " it's a little awkward going through youir mom , but she's awesome . " Jennette is proof that bouncing back from an OMG moment is possible .

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