Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jason Dolley Tells Me about His Best Date Ever

Jason Dolley loves planning fun dates for girls he's crushing on , but he admits the best date he ever had went on wasn't one he planned . in fact , a girl he had been crushing on asked him if he wanted to hang out and then surprised him with an amazing night . "we didn't live in the same city , so she took me to dinner somewhere she knew , ' he remembers . " it was cool . we talked about stuff we wanted to do but have never been able to do . " they instantly bonded and time seemed to fly by as they ate and talked . just when Jason thought the dat ewas going to end , his crush told him she had another surprise for him . " i've always wanted to see The Phantom Of The Opera onstage , " Jason spills . " she wound up taking me to see it at her local theater . it was amazing . " he admits the night will be tough to top , and he hopes he can come up with something as fun and creative for his next date .

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