Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Justin's Tweets Decoded

what is Justin really trying to tell the world ?

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " Bustin Jieber loves Brazil . can't wait to come meet all you Brazilian girls ;) " MEANS : " Justin gives a shout-out to the Jonas Brothers , who gave him the nickname Bustin Jieber . he's too funny .

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " flight delays = not sweet . " MEANS : Justin loves seeing new places , but sometimes travelling can be frustrating .

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " back to work ... rehearsals and voice lessons ... vacation was great but not it is time to shake off the rust . we got work to do ... let's go . " MEANS : even when he's on a break , Justin is always thinking about what he can do to please his fans .

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " today is a good day ... i got a headache but it's still a good day . " MEANS : he might not always be feeling 100% but he'll give his fans 100% no matter what .

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " why do you drive on a parkway and park in the driveway ... it's messed up . " MEANS : Justin isn't afraid to share his silliest thoughts with fans .

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " i'm always scared since i travel so much that i'll say ' good day Philly ' when i'm in Denver . " MEANS : he's super-confident onstage but Justin still worries about messing up and disappointing his fans .

JUSTIN'S TWEETS : " good night everyone . bout to go to sleep . peace . " MEANS : he might be exhausted but he always says , " goodnight , fans "

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